Thursday, February 28, 2008 @6:49 PM

For best results, turn on your speakers and listen instead of reading the subtitles. :D

Now we know why Sino-US ties are so complicated! LOL.

Dunking vid and class tee stuff
Monday, February 25, 2008 @9:53 PM

The much awaited DUNKING video! Sorry you'll have to turn your head 90 degrees to watch it though. And if someone knows how to turn a vid around 90 degrees, it'd be appreciated. [:

Quality matters: In my phone, it said there 'High Quality Video'. But I guess that's not true eh? -_-

EDIT: We're keeping the white. -.-

But I'll just leave the black version here for fun.

Class tee
Monday, February 18, 2008 @12:26 AM

While waiting for the files to be uploaded so that I can send them to Qinyu, I thought I'd be nice and update you people on the design thus far.

That's the gist of it. I hope no one minds the font at the back. [:
And I still think we should have the logo in the middle..

Saturday, February 16, 2008 @1:09 AM

Lemon Tree
Thursday, February 14, 2008 @5:58 PM

Amusing video. So lame, but so accurate too. ^^

Sunday, February 3, 2008 @12:44 AM

First things first. You might have noticed (or not) the tagboard's been emptied, no? There was a... problem with it, so I had to refresh it. All please re-tag. :D

Now, update for Go Green Day!

Just about to leave TJ. It's kind of hard trying to get everyone to face the camera when they're all so excited about the idea of collecting newspapers. >.>

These 3 were super HIGH. They love saving the environment. :D

Smile for the camera~ :]

Everyone starting to get bored because there isn't much to do until we get to our destination...

Happened to pass by the other group on the way to Bedok Reservoir Road! They got the 'chicken coop' truck. LOL

Disclaimer: Hui Hua took this! Not me! I wonder what Yikee saw...

Took this because everyone thought that the strings coming out of the pocket was very amusing. Wanna know who it is?

Yeah. Now you know. ^^

Hui Hua has this knack for taking really unglam photos of people at the wrong times. But we were tired, and she was bored. So this is the result you get. *shrug*

This poor bear was abandoned by its owner! Awww...

In case you can't read it, it actually says 'Pam bear'. Not 'I am bear', not 'Pear bear'. Got it? Good.

Look at ALL the rubbish we collected! It was job well done people. ^^b

Now, for something else: Class tee! :D

If (I stress the IF very strongly) I had a choice, I'd want it to look something like this...:

This will be teh FRONT. The parts which are black are actually a mishmash of our names. :3
I'm still waiting for Xiao Xian to finalize her logo design, which I'm sure will look much better than my rather pathetic attempt.

And this will be teh BACK! I don't see why you people want personalized ones when they're so EXPENSIVE. -.- Besides, I think the non-personalized one looks better. (Feel free to disagree, though I'll probably just ignore you. ^^)

Oh, and the tee would be drifit material, with collar. LOL.
I dunno why, but I've got this thing for collar tees at the moment. It'll probably die down soon. [:

And I emphasize here again, this is only MY opinion (which I'm not forcing onto you, ok?).
We're still going with the personalized, drifit, round collar, white tee with gold and black lettering idea which we voted on with a budget of $25 per pax.

I am praying that it WILL be over our budget... -.-

Contacts so far (just so I don't forget, you all probably aren't to interested in this):

-Qinyu's friend- $23-25(personalised), $19-20(non-personalised)

- Vervex in Queensway.
Personalized: $50++
Non-personalized: $14 - $18

- Class-t-shirt.com
Just emailed them with a bunch of questions. Hoping to get a reply soon.

- Yuzong's friend's mother (or something like that)
$30 for personalised designs

- Racheline and Xuenan's source (is it TM?)
Personalized: $38
Non-personalized: Not so sure.

Anyone got lobang PLEASE say something. I dun wanna cry when I realize we could've gotten a better deal somewhere else.
And I want it done by THIS YEAR. We procrastinate as a class far too often. =_=

Hmm. I guess that's it. I've got a video of Mr ____'s dunking session with his son at the CNY Carnival. Highly entertaining, but I'll save that for another time.

Until next time. Ciao~

We of 2607

21 Girls
YingYing. WanLin. YiWei. Qinyu. DingTing. Felicia. HuangJie. WanTing. Racheline. Sherly. HuiHua. SeokKian. XiaoXian. XinYi. SuNing. Denise. Eunice. YiKee. Charlotte. Priscilla. XueNan.

4 Guys
SiangYong. YuZong. WenGuang. KokSiong.

Mr Lim D:


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